According the 2021 Census data – Nearly 16% of people aged 16 to 24 in Ceredigion identified as lesbian, gay, bisexual or a minority sexual orientation. The average was 7%, across all age groups, Ceredigion is 4.9% LGB – more than Swansea, but less than Cardiff (at 5.3%). Ceredigion has the highest proportion of Bisexual people in Wales (2.6%), pansexual (0.4%) and asexual (0.2%). Ceredigion also say the highest number of people writing in their sexual orientation (0.7%).
Ceredigion has the same proportion of trans people as Cardiff at 0.7%, and the highest number of non-binary people in Wales at 0.2%.
While these seem like small percentages, that 7% of Ceredigion works out at roughly 5000 people who identify as LGB in Ceredigion, and a further 500 who identify as trans. It also does not include anyone under 16 who may be LGBTQIA+.
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